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Specialized Therapy Services in Fort Lauderdale

Our therapists are specially trained to work with children with unique needs. 

We understand the unique challenges related to retained primitive reflexes and/or pelvic floor dysfunction and have a proven plan to address symptoms related to these conditions.  With our treatment protocol, your child will grow more confident and independent, leading to success in school and their social lives.

Pediatric Pelvic Health OT

in Fort Lauderdale

We recommend working with Trisha Sundberg, OTR/L of First Time Learners Pediatric Therapy, who specializes in pediatric pelvic health OT.  This specific treatment area to helps kids gain confidence and continence in the bathroom.


Please fill out the screener below to get in contact with Trisha of First Time Learners Pediatric Therapy.

Does your child struggle with any of the following symptoms?

  • Difficulty having or pain with bowel movements
  • Night time bed wetting past age 5
  • Daytime incontinence (urine accidents)
  • Abdominal pain, pain when urinating or defecating
  • Chronic dehydration
  • Poor diet & nutrition intake
  • Sensory issues around toileting- fear or anxiety around using the toilet, smell aversions, tactile (touch) aversions, auditory (sound) sensitivities, taste sensitivities impacting diet and liquid intake
  • Digestive issues such as chronic constipation, diarrhea, or loose stool
  • Persistent difficulty with potty training past 4.5 years old

With our specialized program & plan of care, your child will be able to:

  • Have sleepovers with confidence that they’ll remain dry throughout the night.
  • Attend VPK without worry of not being potty trained.
  • Participate in sports and extracurricular activities without having to worry about accidents.
  • Confidently manage their personal toileting needs and know when they need to use the bathroom.
  • Develop the tools needed to decrease anxiety around toileting.
  • Develop a regular voiding schedule to prevent constipation.
  • Improve tolerance and desensitize sensory based struggles in the bathroom environment.
  • Develop the body awareness to tell you when they need to urinate or defecate.
  • Learn whether constipation may be the cause of incontinence.
  • Learn how nutrition can impact comfortable voiding.
  • Learn how to implement effective potty training methods so your child can achieve continence, no longer needing to rely on costly pull ups.
  • Gain confidence in taking your child on vacations and community outings without fear for accidents or meltdowns surrounding bathroom time.

Parents will be able to:

The pelvic health OT screening form will help our therapist determine if your child is a good candidate for pelvic health OT.

Miss Trisha will review the form and contact you within 3 business days to discuss results and/or schedule an initial evaluation if the child qualifies.

Treatment of Retain​ed Primitive Reflexes

in Fort Lauderdale and Maine

Primitive reflexes are brain stem automated responses that are present in-utero and continue to develop throughout the first year of life. These reflexes help guide our motor and cognitive development. Our brain naturally integrates them at specific developmental ages. Sometimes, traumatic births or experiences in early childhood can prevent integration of these reflexes.

When these reflexes are not integrated, often times children present with the following symptoms:

  • Struggles with attention in the classroom
  • Struggles to sit still and fidgets when sitting at a desk
  • Has meltdowns or tantrums and difficulty calming down
  • Has difficulty copying notes from the board in class
  • Difficulty reading and writing
  • Is sensitive to specific sensory input
  • Nighttime bed wetting past age 5
  • Poor impulse control
  • Poor muscle tone and coordination

With our specialized treatment protocol, the child engages in daily exercises that counteract the retained reflexes and promote integration in the brain.

Our clients typically participate in this treatment protocol for a 6 month plan of care. At the end of this plan of care, your child will:

  • Have improved attention and focus in school
  • Have better coping skills to deal with daily frustrations
  • Be able to take notes from the board in class
  • Improve visual-motor integration skills, leading to improvement in reading & writing
  • Tolerate greater levels of sensory input, decreasing sensitivities
  • Reduce and/or eliminate night time bed wetting
  • Improve coordination & engagement in sporting activities

Pediatric Wheelchair Evaluations

in Fort Lauderdale and Maine

Does your child have a mobility impairment & is a wheelchair user?


Our occupational therapist, Monica conducts wheelchair evaluations and writes letters of medical necessity to facilitate the approval process with insurance.


Whether this is your child's first wheelchair, they need modifications to their current wheelchair, or they've outgrown their current chair and need a new one, we're here to help.


We are familiar with wheelchair/stroller hybrid chairs, folding frame chairs, and tilt-in-space.  We'll be sure to prescribe and oversee the ordering of a custom wheelchair that fits all their mobility needs and fits their lifestyle habits.

How to Write a Letter of Medical Necessity from DPT_edited.jpg

Contact us today to schedule your child's wheelchair evaluation!

Letters of Medical Necessity for Splinting

and other Adaptive Equipment

in Fort Lauderdale and Maine

Does your child have a increased muscle tone (spasticity), putting them at risk of contractures or limitations in their range of motion?


Each child's needs for joint protection are different.  We assist with the process of custom molding splints to fit your child's unique needs.  Our occupational therapist, Monica conducts splinting evaluations and writes letters of medical necessity to facilitate the approval process with insurance for a variety of splints.


Did you know? If your child is on Medicaid, they can qualify for up to 2 sets of new splints per year.  This is because splints wear out with daily use, kids grow, and joints change in the amount of support they need.


We are familiar with hand splints, leg splints, foot splints, trunk supports, and more.  Below are some common types of splints we recommend.


Contact us today to schedule your child's splinting evaluation!


Classroom Design Service for

Preschools in Fort Lauderdale

As an occupational therapist & Certified Autism Specialist, we have a unique ability to recognize the sensory needs of Autistic children & we know how to design sensory friendly classrooms & learning environments to best support their learning.

First, we start with an environmental assessment of your current space. 


Next, we'll provide some product recommendations and design alterations which will reduce sensory overwhelm, help students with sensory integration and self-regulation, and improve attention in the classroom. 


If needed or desired, we'll purchase the products for you, install in the classroom(s), and re-arrange the classroom set-up to best facilitate academic success. 


We'll also provide recommendations on wheelchair accessibility in the classroom if applicable to your population. 


Lastly, we'll educate your staff members on sensory strategies and ways to promote self-regulation, reducing moments of dysregulation and behavioral outbursts.

© 2024 Dedicated Pediatric Therapy, Inc.

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